Friday, May 27, 2016

Storm Wall

Inspirational song: Bringin' on the Heartbreak (Def Leppard)

Karma has me dead in its sights. I'm getting a big dose of my own medicine. I have been a nervous homebuyer, who was totally freaked out by things revealed in an inspection. For that matter, I've been freaked out by the very process of an inspection. I've been the upset one declaring deals blown up and dead. So now I get to be on the other side of the equation. I'm now the agent, watching a reflection of my previous feelings and statements coming from my clients, and now it's my turn to try to be the calm one. I'm quite a bit more impressed by the agents who handled my fears and demands with aplomb. I'm new at standing in their shoes. I don't think I fully appreciated how well they treated me when I was throwing my hands in the air and calling sellers mean names. I don't think my current clients are out of line or unreasonable at all. But I can see how scared they are, and I totally get it. The house that was inspected today is old. Very old. And with an old house comes a torrent of necessary repairs. Some are urgent, some are not. Many will be expensive. Having them pointed out all in the span of two hours is flat-out terrifying. I tried to stay completely out of the way today. I only wanted to be available for questions and moral support. It wasn't my job to inspect, so I didn't. It wasn't easy to keep my mouth shut and be impartial, especially when people I care about were getting increasingly stressed out. I don't know what's going to happen from here. It isn't my call. I have to wait and see what their decisions are over the next few days. Waiting is going to be difficult.

We tried to have an evening off and attend the Creek Festival. Apparently the heavy rains that rolled through this afternoon delayed the setup, and only a few tents were up and running. And those were primarily the beer tents, which didn't really speak to my needs. Instead, we had dinner at the Tea House, and then wandered over only long enough to see a Grateful Dead and Phish cover band for a few minutes, and then we left. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day to relax.

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