Saturday, November 12, 2016

Favorite Things

Inspirational song: One More Cup of Coffee (Bob Dylan)

There is only so long I can stand being stressed out. I needed to have a normal day. Today I focused on some of my favorite things: coffee, carpentry, cats, and football. I tried to sleep late, but that failed as usual. By 08:30, I stopped pretending, and stayed up when I got up for the third time. There was still old coffee in the pot, and we microwaved it and pretended that it was fresh. At some point I remembered that Starbucks was having a 2 for 1 promotion on holiday drinks. Mr X suggested that he needed a second cup of old coffee before he would be ready to walk over to get yet more coffee. It was one of those kinds of days for everyone. Once we were sufficiently fueled for the trip, and I was sunscreened and hatted, the walk was lovely and sedate (especially considering the quantity of caffeine involved in the process). I was able to enjoy the crisp fall air and slanting sunshine (that thankfully didn't bother me under my hat). I didn't think about politics or world affairs or any of my problems closer to home. And at the halfway point, I got a peppermint mocha. Nothing could have pleased me more.

The carpentry project was minor and not pretty enough for photos. It was just a temporary structure, but it took us a few hours to procure supplies and put it together. It still didn't occupy enough of the day for me. Our football game didn't start until 8 this evening. I'm having way too much fun this season to wait 9 days between games. It was a long dry spell for us fans, especially the first five years in the PAC 12. Just yesterday, I read a sports reporter theorizing the unlikely path we would have to take to reach the playoff games. It hinged on all of the top 4 teams remaining on top, and winning out, with the exception of us beating Washington in the conference championship game. Now, a single day later, and that is completely blown up (3 of the 4 top teams lost today, and several others ahead of my Buffaloes went down too). So who knows now? Maybe that's what I get for starting to be greedy. I should be happy that my team is winning at all, and thus fun to watch. There will be at least one extra game to watch over the holidays, and that's good enough for me.

I needed an easy day like this. I rested when I needed to, and I stretched my legs a little, just for fun. I'm relaxed, especially after a couple margaritas. (What else was I to do with a giant bag of limes from Costco, that were threatening to go bad before I could think of foods to put them in?) I'm still limiting my exposure to social media and news feeds. I know it's still bad out there. I know that there is a whole lot of anxiety waiting on my doorstep. I was lucky enough to have a day that I could avoid it. I'm not dumb enough to miss the opportunity when it came.

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