Saturday, November 26, 2016

Party Day

Inspirational song: Celebrate (Kool & the Gang)

I told my niece this morning that this morning I wished her and her husband great joy (on the occasion of her baby shower). This evening I wished her husband crushing disappointment (as his Utes faced off against my Buffaloes). I got both wishes. Well, I assume. I haven't checked to see whether he's particularly upset about the loss, or just mildly disappointed that Utah did not play spoiler like Colorado did for them the first year they both joined the PAC 12. My football-loving neighbor came over to watch the game with us, and get fed a steak dinner for being in the right place at the right time. It made it more like a party (and with all of us, it was as loud as a party). We were pretty nervous through the first half, but we started having a whole lot more fun as the game started to break our way. And now my favorite team is off to the conference championship, and my years of remaining faithful in the face of heartbreaking losses one after another is starting to pay dividends. I stuck with these kids through thick and thin, and it's nice to have a little thick again after years of thin. There are an awful lot of smiles around here on Saturdays. It makes my county much more fun to live in.

The baby shower brunch that kicked off my morning was pretty special too. I don't want that to get lost in my ravings of a crazed football fan. The baby-to-be is the first member of the next generation-- the niece who is pregnant is the first of my daughters' cousins to reproduce. I'm pretty excited for this couple. I adore all of the nieces and nephews, but I have to say that this particular nephew-in-law is awfully lovable himself. (All the kids who have paired off have done well.) These guys are going to be the fun parents, with great nicknames and stories to share at family gatherings. Since they live in another state, it will be months before I get to meet little Zoltan or Zoltana (their baby's code name; there will be no gender or name reveals until the big event). By then, the stories that will follow Z for his or her whole life will already have begun. I can hardly wait.

I am utterly exhausted from all the celebrating I've done today. I was never a hardcore partier in my day, and the festivities started more than thirteen hours ago. You know, if ever there is a good way to wear yourself down to a nub, this would be it. Go Buffs, and Hey, Baby!

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