Saturday, February 11, 2017

Another Pleasantville Saturday

Inspirational song: Ordinary World (Duran Duran)

I spent most of the day in Boulder today. I became particularly aware that it is a whole other world, the more I watched people shop, eat, drive, and exist in their own little Pleasantville. I don't hold it against them. It is a beautiful town, but every so often, you notice it is just SO Boulder. I think I said that to my steering wheel four or five times, as I drove in giant loops, trying to wind around to where I wanted to go. Boulder is actively anti-car, and they make it as hard to drive there as possible. Yet they are pro-making money, so they want people to come there and spend dollars. These things do not co-exist well.

I went to an open house with a friend, and that went well. The townhouse she looked at was cute, and it had an amazing view of the mountains. We had a terrific brunch together after. Naturally, I suggested the closest restaurant that is entirely grain-free, locally-sourced, grass-fed, mostly dairy-free, etc. For me it is such a treat to be able to eat anything off of the menu without having to interrogate a waiter, sending him or her back to the kitchen for research two or three times. There aren't many places like that here, but there are plenty in the People's Republic (as they used to call it). My friend and I hadn't gotten together since last summer, and we are all caught up now, but I don't have the green light to share pretty much anything discussed, so we'll move along...

I spent the rest of the day shopping for inspiration pieces for the tablescape I'm donating next month for a fundraiser at a country club where I'm not a member. (Not sure whether I ever will be -- if I don't have the funds and the energy to join Chamber of Commerce, then a country club is probably out of the question for now too.) I decided that I want the setting to be one of extremes, with sparkly crystal and pretty dishes offset by raffia and burlap and rusty tin. The colors will be teal, tan, silver, and bronze. I might sneak in a peacock motif here and there. I do not yet have a name for it. I am open to the idea of crowdsourcing a name. I took a lot of photos of things in stores that might end up being inspirations, but I didn't take as many pictures of the things I bought. I found one pretty teal bowl on clearance that had a tiny chip in it, but by the time I got it home, it had an even bigger chip in the other side. So that one is out. I guess I will have to find something to do with it here. Maybe it will become a patio object.

You know how sometimes you can see disaster looming, but when it strikes, you are helpless to do anything except point and laugh? No? Well, I unwrapped the few pieces I bought to show Mr X, and I left the plastic bags on the floor. I sat down with a Coke and a Toblerone, and tried to rest and recuperate from shopping. Athena sniffed around the new pile of stuff under the piano bench, and when I looked at her, she had the handle to one bag looped around her neck. I had time to ask her out loud, "Are you going to freak out when you realize you are stuck in that?" The short answer was immediately "YES" as she bounced around the house like a superball with a parachute. I searched all over for her, once the sounds of rustling plastic and terrified kitten disappeared, and eventually I saw a puffy white bag under the rocking chair in the basement. I grabbed the bag and held on tightly. She came running out again, and paused briefly before the bag tore (she had been gnawing on it under the chair, I gathered). She hid under another chair while I tried to control the urge to laugh, and she waited until I put the bag down to respond when I asked her whether she needed a hug. She meowed, a sound that meant, "Stop laughing at me. I hate you. Yes, I need a hug."

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