Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Inspirational song: Is There Something I Should Know (Duran Duran)

Well, I tried. An attempt was made. I tried to branch out and follow the recommendation of the waiter at my old favorite restaurant, when he said, "We do have gluten free pain perdu." Sure, why not? It was Mardi Gras, and I was at the best Creole restaurant in town (possibly the ONLY one in town?), and I felt like living on the edge. Let's just say that after my last three visits to this establishment, I may have to consider it my former favorite, and leave it at that. I still love the hot spiced tea, but the food does not love me as much as I once loved it. This experience is lost to me now.

I'm feeling very frustrated this week. I have been working my tail off trying to get people into houses, and these clients have been slippery as eels. One has decided to go on vacation for months, and delay searching. Another is just unsure whether this is the right time to put a place on the market, even though it things are already starting to heat up around here. I heard today that someone we had been trying to work with has now decided to find a rent-to-own situation. I'm hitting brick walls everywhere I turn. Why is this so hard? It's enough to make me question everything I've been doing for the last two years, to get to this point.

And now I'm worried that I'm pushing my health to its limits. I tell myself every day that I need to learn how to say no. Yet there I was today, thinking I was sitting down to a run-of-the-mill social committee meeting, only to realize that I had just fallen into one of those months-long big event planning sessions. Naturally once I understood what we were convening to discuss, I was intrigued and wanted to play too. There was no way I was walking away from this chance. But by the time I was at my last event today, after breakfast out, Rotary lunch, planning meeting after, working on the Meals on Wheels donation (even with a pretty snowstorm to watch while I sewed dinner napkins for the tablescape), and writers group, I was worn down to a nub. I am exhausted. I need to take it easy tomorrow, or all the progress of the last few weeks will be lost.

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