Sunday, February 5, 2017

The Fool

Inspirational song: Know Your Enemy (Green Day)

I don't want to hear "greatest of all time." I don't care. I just have an undefinable dislike for that quarterback, and I always have. He leaves me absolutely cold, and I experience joy when he and his team play poorly. I thought I was going to have something to celebrate tonight. Alas, there was a massive comeback in the fourth quarter and a win in overtime. Now I can spend the next three or four months daydreaming that he will want to go out on top and retire, so I don't have to look at his smarmy, smug face another football season. At least the commercials and the halftime show were good. And the food. Oh, the food! My neighbor smoked a brisket for the first time, and while he found ways he could and should have finessed it, we all thought it was delicious. And I discovered that my grain-free version of German egg noodles works quite well for (not) mac & cheese. I wrote down the recipe for the cookbook. I feel like a genius tonight. A very full genius.

Something between yesterday's organizational meeting and last night's skewering on SNL seems to have calmed me down a bit. I was in the company of hundreds of people yesterday morning who were not about to lie down and surrender. This was grass roots ground game at its finest. And it was proof to me that the future is not lost. We will win it back from the bottom to the top. In the long game, the bottom is more important than the top, and I've come to understand that well over the last few years. I'm not kidding, people, whoever controls the local school board controls the future. This is the power we overlooked for years. And last night I saw the true power of comedy. Tyrants have a harder time striking fear in the hearts of their subjects when the jesters can get people to laugh at their oppressors. The more SNL and other comedians push back, the more the rogue Twitter accounts refuse to be cowed, the more the people point and laugh, the more the wheels come off the bus for the ones who are trying to roll back everything this country stands for. A little mockery is good for the soul these days. It is certainly good for mine. I feel better. I even slept sort of well last night. I'd like to see that become a trend.

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