Sunday, February 26, 2017


Inspirational song: Mr Crowley (Ozzy Osborne)

It was project day. A very dear friend of mine needed a white ceremonial garment sewn, and she claimed an utter lack of sewing skills. She has known me since before a mutual friend and I had our costume design business, so she came to me to ask the favor of creating it, knowing I have the design chops to do it. There is no way I would turn her down, not now, not ever. In fact, I have been waiting a year to do something good for her, in return for the good deed she performed for me. This is the same friend who drove me to the ER a year and a week ago, when my backache turned into pain level 10+ spasms from which I couldn't seem to recover. I owed her big time.

The design she described was super simple, but this is me we are talking about. I couldn't just make it something essentially folded in the middle with one seam under each arm. I had to cut and shape it just a little more than she expected, to fit it to her shape. I made a facing for the neck opening. I played with the fancy stitches on my machine that I hardly ever touch. And four hours, one big dinner from 5 Guys, and a lot of talking and catching up later, the robe was done. I could have finessed it a bit more, but she assured me that perfection was not required for this project. I made it as good as time and energy would allow. She seemed very happy with the result.

Now, if you will excuse me, as sewing projects involve a whole lot of sitting-on-the-floor time, I'm off to soak away my sore back. Until tomorrow, my friends...

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