Monday, February 6, 2017

Better and Worse

Inspirational song: I'm Just a Bill (Schoolhouse Rock)

I don't even know where to start today. There is so much that happened, for better and for worse. Some of it way worse than I really wanted to face today. I had to "go to" work the moment I got up this morning, getting paperwork sent back and forth, and coordinating appointments for the house I have under contract. I won't have the option of dragging my feet on this one. It all has to happen in the blink of an eye. The speed and urgency has me a wee bit stressed, but it is exciting, I must admit.

I had another visit with the new physical therapist. I got to tell him how the first appointment left me sore and wiped out all day, and he was obviously shocked. I have to assume that the extreme reaction is more a function of the lupus than the actual work done. I'm pretty wiped and sore again now, where you'd think I'd be feeling pretty good. He manipulated the shoulder, the number one rib, and all the muscles that stay knotted up all day every day. I had more heat and electro-stim too. I wanted this to be like getting spa treatments twice a week, and it's somewhat of the opposite.

I'm on my own this evening. Mr X is off sharing grain-based beverages with one of our oldest friends, and I requested that he stay out long enough to be sober when he drives my car home. So I am starting reading the Grannie Annie stories I've been offered to judge for this year's anthology. Even the stories I wouldn't send up for publication (because the flow isn't coherent enough for minor copy editing to shore up) are interesting vignettes. Some of these family stories are pretty wild.

And finally, the "worse" part of my day. And it really is the worst. My mother's most spoiled dog of all time had been ill for several weeks. He became thin and shaky rapidly. I didn't know about it until just a couple of weeks ago. It's probably good that she kept it from me, because I still have heart-wrenching flashbacks to how quickly Cricket disappeared from my sight two years ago. The vets couldn't figure out what was burning Billy the dog up, and prednisone and special prescription diets couldn't bring his strength back. This weekend my mother and stepfather had to come to the awful conclusion that he wasn't going to come back from this edge. They spent days saying goodbye to their beloved dog-baby and today they released him from his pain. I've seen true love between animals and humans before, and I can say in all certainty, no canine has ever loved his human parents more than Billy did. He may have been matched by other dogs, but never surpassed. Godspeed, Billy. You were special from Day One.

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