Friday, February 10, 2017

So Here I Am Once More

Inspirational song: Comfortably Numb (Pink Floyd)

I don't really like being the Leonardo DiCaprio of real estate. I don't mean I'm like one of his characters. I mean I'm the punchline of a joke, like how he went decades thinking he was turning in solid performances year after year. He secured several nominations for Academy Awards. When that happened, he dressed up in his tux. He showed up with a date on the red carpet. He smiled for the interviewers. He got his hopes up. And every time someone else went home with the gold statue. That's me these days. I just have to hope that one of these housing contracts turns into my Revenant, but please, don't make me have to get attacked by a bear to finally close on a house!

Once again, inspection has doomed my contract. I really can't even argue this one. I tried, though. I read and re-read the inspection report, and did come up with one really deft parry, when my buyer thought that there was aluminum wiring reported in the house and was absolutely alarmed. I did my research, then combed through the report, and realized that the word "aluminum" only appeared where it talked about the main power supply coming in off of the street. The house has copper wiring. And now I know way more about electrical codes and history than I expected to. But the rest of the place had fatal flaws (fatal to my deal, anyway). There was a roofing issue and a subfloor issue that were more than my older gentleman was ready to take on at this stage of his life. This was on top of the things we had identified on our initial tour that had to be replaced. So for the third time in just over six months, my deal has died on inspection. I can't really be upset with my buyer, though. I understand him and his story, and I am truly sympathetic. He isn't giving up on me, and I will not give up on him. I will find him a good house. It just won't be as quick as I thought it was going to be.

I'm oddly less upset this time than I was the first two times this happened. I just calmly filled out the notice to terminate, and sent it over. I chatted with the listing agent, and let her down gently too. This is not the part of this business I thought I would be good at. Of course, I might be taking it so well because I had to medicate myself a few hours ago. I'd been running at full speed for too many days in a row. I had to use both tramadol and a muscle relaxer, and still waited for almost four hours before my shoulders and neck stopped spasming. I've been wandering around in a daze since sundown. Maybe after a long night's sleep the financial repercussions of losing another deal will bother me tomorrow. For now, I'm somewhat philosophical and at peace with the situation. Back to the drawing board. Again.

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