Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Like the Dark Ages

Inspirational song: Oh Babe, What Would You Say (Hurricane Smith)

Oh, how movies have warped my perceptions lately. I really don't watch that much horror, but I've seen enough that are scored with ironically sugary sweet pop songs, such that when something truly bubblegum like the abovementioned song comes on the radio (yes, I listen to the 70s channel a lot), all I can imagine is a long, slow pan over a creepy scene of carnage, with that happy little tune playing over the top of it. This is so messed up.

I'm working with minimal Internet tonight. I have cell data, and nothing else. I'm in the middle of the busiest week I've had in recent memory. Perhaps I will take advantage of my lack of external inputs, and just play a non-connected game on my iPad. I can't share photos from the phone app, so I'll send out a barrage tomorrow. There should be plenty of subject material.

Sleep well, blogosphere. I certainly shall.

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