Thursday, February 16, 2017

Better Lucky Than Good

Inspirational song: Lucky (Fish)

Oh, where to start? This is as action-packed as my life gets these days. I've been going non-stop since 7 am, and it's technically way past bedtime and we are just rolling into the house. If I'm lucky, I'll get to sleep through most of the night to recover. But it's not a day I would necessarily trade for much of anything else. I started it out talking business with a friend, who is 90% sure she wants to list her house (through me) and buy a newer one (also through me). I toured her place, and gave her my professional opinion. There's real value in that property. We only walked inside one potential home to buy today, as we are just barely getting started, but the neighborhood we saw blew us both away. It is newish, with the oldest houses less than 20 years old. But the architecture and the landscaping of the neighborhood made it feel like it was at least a hundred years old. The homes were classic early 20th century styles, almost entirely brick. They were sized right. No McMansions to be found. They were varied; no sign of cookie cutters anywhere. This could have easily been the Whittier neighborhood of Boulder, or some of the side streets off of 17th or 6th Avenues in Denver. It was a-dor-a-ble. If I didn't love my new home town so much, I would almost wish that I'd seen this neighborhood two years ago when we were house hunting. I am in love.

After blowing all the possible time I could have had resting, or even better napping, before my big evening out by grocery shopping and cooking and cleaning out the lizard cage (long past time to dump out the old cricket chow and wash their dish), we joined up with the kids, including my foster daughter, today's birthday girl, and we trekked up to our new favorite indulgence, Central City. We played a few games and had dinner (mine was terrible!!) and wore ourselves out on the drives. I didn't even have to do anything except ride, and I'm pooped. I'm also down more money than I'm admitting to myself, which is probably not good. I kept thinking I was going to have a spectacular win like Mr X seems to stumble into with remarkable frequency. He was sitting next to me on the last machines of the night (good ol' reliable Buffaloes). He was down to three dollars and change. He hit a bonus which earned him 8 free spins, and within that free game, he won more spins. And then he spun a combination that earned him over a hundred dollars. And then another for thirty or so more. And another... And suddenly he was at something like 160, and we all just sat and watched him, our own fortunes totally lost at that point. It's rare that any of us comes out completely even or ahead of the game, but I think he had a push tonight. Considering he bought dinner, none of us will hold it against him that he won and we lost.

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