Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Next Frontier

Inspirational song: Kings of the Wild Frontier (Adam & the Ants)

Hey, y'all, I think it's working this time! I have crossed over into brand new territory! This morning was the inspection for the latest contract, and my client is still happy and making plans. It took me three tries, but I finally cleared this particular hurdle. The rest of the process is a brand new frontier, and I can't wait to get into it. The house is not perfect, but we knew that going in. My buyer was already planning on replacing windows and floor coverings. Now there will be some subfloor repair to be done. But his voice didn't suddenly turn negative when he told me this, unlike the last two contracts that fell out at inspection. I have hope again.

I'm not used to doctors reaching out to me, just to check in (other than when the air force clinic nurses had me on the bad girl list for being years overdue for pap smears or mammograms). My primary care doc called me yesterday, and asked me to come see her at my earliest convenience. Perhaps it's a function of having a much more serious diagnosis than before, but it's sort of flattering that she is attentive with my care. I really feel like this doctor keeps up on her reading of the latest medical research as well. She and I talked at length about current studies regarding bacterial causes of several autoimmune diseases that were previously in the "the body just attacks itself and no one knows why" category. To that end, here I am, back on probiotics. I've been here before, mostly after every attack of diverticulitis, to repopulate my gut after rounds of the evil poison commonly called metronidazole. I don't know how long she wants me to do this, but I guess it will be easier to remember to take them before the expiration date now that I have dated pill keepers. I even went and bought a new one, to split my pills up into morning and night batches. Now I shall hasten to the Google machine and research whether to take each supplement early or late. (FYI, she said probiotics in the morning and Vitamin E at night, if you needed to know for your own purposes.)

My stress level has been super high today, worrying about inspection, going to PT and the primary care doc. The girl taking my blood pressure at the third stop had to tell me to quit talking about waiting for the results from the inspection, so my readings weren't off the charts. My energy left over for creativity was low, and the only photo I took all day was of some guy at the Starbucks inside Target, who looked like my mom's brother and Roy Scheider (the "you're going to need a bigger boat" guy from Jaws, for the young'uns) had been blended into one person. I don't think it's fair of me to post a surreptitious portrait on this post, so I might go digging through some old photos and find a pretty flower or something. Enjoy the reminder that spring will come again.

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