Saturday, February 18, 2017

Furious Pillow

Inspirational song: Season's End (Marillion)

I stayed home today. This is relevant, because daughter number one is here, but she was here specifically to kidnap her daddy and take him on a special "all-about-dad" trip. I've done one of these days before, years ago. Like mine, hers involved a long day of geocaching, but since it also revolved around a large plate of begniets at Lucile's, I stayed home. From what I can tell, they had a good time. They were gone for about eight hours, maybe more. I tried not to interrupt their quality time, so I didn't do a lot of texting. But I did get some photos from the trip that disturb me. We have been talking about how unseasonably warm it has been this year, and how I am afraid of what is going to happen to the trees if they bud out and blossom now. I got very little fruit last year (some cherries, zero apples or nectarines). If March is normal and cold and snowy, but the fruit trees have already bloomed, will we have any fruit? This bothers me.

I have been working on my blog for over two hours now. That's right. Two hours, and I'm starting the second paragraph, and the first one is short. We are getting caught up, daughter, her ex roommate, and I. This has been a terrific evening. We started it at a local pub, where we ran into Mr X's and my roommate from when I first got pregnant with above-mentioned daughter. We ate mass quantities of food, they all drank stout beers, and we listened to some stellar bluegrass and folk music from the duet set up directly behind my chair. (They performed a spectacular rendition of the Tennessee Waltz, one of my most beloved songs, which was the first song of the first show I ever performed in the CU marching band.) We ate and yelled over the top of the band for as long as we could, and then we came back here to talk and drink some more. It has been too entertaining to write.

We keep circling back to the topic of cats, as mine wander through the room and the girls reminisce about their own pets and share stories of what they've been up to since they moved apart. Jack has been lying on the carpet at their feet this entire time, obviously baffled as to why no one is rubbing her belly. Rabbit has been hiding under the table next to my chair, where she has been off and on all day, wanting attention but not wanting to be out in the open where any old person (or feline) can find her. And Athena keeps pausing around the room, shooting daggers at my daughter with her eyes. They've always had a strange relationship. Daughter doesn't take Athena's crap, Athena torments daughter's dog in return. In the absence of the dog this trip, Athena has been sending the stink-eye uninterrupted by canine enthusiasm. I know one day I'm going to find Athena curled up on the guest bed with my daughter, finally getting the attention she so obviously is craving. Poor little Angry Ewok, not knowing how to get out of her own way to make friends.

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