Monday, February 20, 2017


Inspirational song: Tubthumping (Chumbawumba)

Can I share something I never thought possible? I got out of bed today. And I walked around. And I went to physical therapy. And I shopped. All of this after shooting a bow and arrow for three hours non-stop and standing at a late-night rockabilly concert, and consuming a hearty amount of adult beverages two nights in a row. I survived! Not only that, I bounced back like it was nothing! I'm not signing up to run marathons or anything. That would be irresponsible. But I was able to suggest to my physical therapist that some combination of what I've been doing (between the two doctors, PT, massage therapy, buckets of pharmaceuticals and supplements, good eating, guiltless resting, and gentle exercise) appears to be working. I don't expect to live pain-free, not now, now ever. But I find that a rapid rebound with only minimal extra fatigue feels like a lottery win.

It's a good thing that I had energy throughout the day. I learned that my deadline for the tablescape donation for the Meals on Wheels fundraiser is due sooner than I expected. Or at least a name and a photo of it are due. I have most of the components purchased, after a panicked shopping excursion. I still require the dinner plates and flatware. I have enough fancy pieces offset with rustic charm. I just need to assemble and decorate according to my theme. I have decided on a peacock theme, based on what I found available on my scouting missions, and thanks to my daughter's suggestion, I am using as my inspiration one of the oldest botanical gardens in the US: Magnolia Plantation and Gardens. I may try to acquire some brochures or literature from it, if there is time. We shall see what magic I can pull off in the last two weeks before the event.

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