Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Inspirational song: Warrior (Scandal)

Everything is completely frozen over at Smith Park. An unexpected ice storm moved over the area this afternoon and evening, and has shut the city down. And me, while I've spent most of the day inside, I feel like I've been out in it all day. I am frozen to the core, and I can't warm up, even covered in blankets, with Rabbit cuddled in my lap. Usually she sets off instant hot flashes, but no, today is all about the chill. I can't even tell whether it's a physical or psychological reaction either. I've been super freaked out for almost two weeks, so that's naturally a possibility. But then again, it's also probably time for me to do some up and down days, after being unnaturally lucky with my lupus through the holidays. I can't say that it helps that almost everyone I know has been fighting off a nasty cold that seems to invade both heads and chests. I'd worry that I was susceptible, but I do have an immune system that never shuts up. Ever. So maybe this rough day is just me being the battleground while my white blood cells stomp out every flame they see, including all the little mitochondrial factories keeping my metabolism running. I'll just grab an extra blanket and wait it out.

The good thing about having an eighth of an inch of ice or so on the entire city is that cars driving up and down my street are taking it slowly for the first time in weeks (since the last good snowstorm). There have been several accidents, including one at the nearest intersection with a stoplight. For the bulk of the afternoon, my car was actually parked on the street, and I started thinking that was not the safest place to keep it. Right as that thought crossed my mind, Mr X swapped the position of the vehicles and put it into the garage to thaw before tomorrow. This will come in handy, assuming that it warms up enough in the morning to allow me to drive to Fort Collins. I hope so. I need to meet with the crew at work and catch up. And then I have two -- count 'em, two! -- clients needing home tours tomorrow. It has been since I was searching for homes for myself that I attempted to view six different houses in one day. This will be interesting. And exhausting.

Most people know the feeling of being in a car accident, or a nasty fall, and waiting hours to really assess the damage to your body. I had my first physical therapy appointment today, which was almost entirely an assessment of my shoulders, assignment of the first three exercises to do, and a chance to sit for 15 minutes under a heating pad with the electro-stim machine hooked up. I could sort of tell that I was straining the muscles at the time that we were moving things around, reaching and clenching, but it wasn't until I made it home that I realized how sore that inspection made me. It's not out of the question that the appointment was why I spent the entirety of the day cold and sore. But rather than ponder the eternal chicken and the egg question, I think I may go warm myself with an Irish coffee at bedtime, and worry about it tomorrow.

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