Monday, April 24, 2017

First Look

Inspirational song: Turning Japanese (The Vapors)

I had a doctor take a picture, so I could look at me from inside as well. Okay, that doesn't translate to first person as well as I would have liked. But still, it's the truth. It was the first of my next round of testing this morning. I had my upper abdomen ultrasounded. I wanted to ask for printed pictures, like they give people who are having pregnancy ultrasounds. Instead, I just kept my mouth shut and let the lady do her work. It would have been easier to see the screen if it hadn't been even with my head and facing the tech fully rather than me. This stuff is all so interesting to me, being the information junkie that I am. As it was, I just stared at the screen, trying to see the shapes in the clouds. I tried to make note of all of the abbreviations she used when she marked up the screenshots, so that I could Google them when I got home, but I only remembered two by the time I searched on my own. Here I thought I was so sneaky, getting a jump on what the results would show. Yeah. I learned that she marked the common bile duct (CBD) and the gallbladder cavity where mine used to be (GB Fossa). She also thoroughly measured the liver, pancreas, and right kidney (where I've been feeling like a mule kicked me lately). Last she ran a different wand across my abdomen to take an image of the surface of the liver. I couldn't see a single thing that gave me any indication what could be causing the swelling, tenderness, pain, and weight gain. Maybe in three days when I have the next test (the endoscopy), the radiologist's report will have been delivered to my gastroenterologist, and I'll find out what, if anything, is up.

The ultrasound tech probably didn't push any harder with her wands than she had to. I doubt she was trying to hurt me, nor did I let on that she was doing so. However, I have felt bruised and used up ever since. I have no idea whether the two things are even related. I might still be the heaviness I've felt since the lymph node drainage session that was my last massage. Could be a reaction to sitting in the sun, drinking my coffee, once I got home. (I actually got sunburned through the leggings I was wearing, and my skin looked mottled like I'd been burned with an iron with giant steam holes in it. So this is not a difficult logic leap to make.) And honestly, it could just be a regular old lupus day. I wanted to be chipper and happy today. I learned that the sellers of the house I have under contract are fixing all of the things my buyers asked for, even knowing that there was an As-Is backup offer hanging over our heads like the sword of Damocles. I just couldn't dredge up the energy to celebrate, beyond whipping out a copy of the Inspection Resolution for signatures.

I took all of one photograph today. Sitting in the radiology lobby, for the two minutes (max) that I waited for the tech, I noticed that they had the same kind of plant that Mr X and I bought for our very first apartment together, which we still actually own. Across from it was the same sort of plant that I asked for and received as an anniversary present (along with the pot that it's in), which sits at about the same distance from the first plant in my house as these in the lobby were from each other. I took a picture for a text. That's it. It seems appropriate that I am illustrating a post about being so low energy that I could barely move with a picture of houseplants. If I'd had any more energy today, you would have had to water me twice a week...

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