Thursday, April 20, 2017

Regulate It

Inspirational song: Dazed and Confused (Led Zeppelin)

Everybody talked about it today. It was weird. And comforting. Because it's really getting to the point where it's no big deal, and that's the way I'd prefer that it was. Most of the TV anchors barely even giggle anymore when they are reading a story about cannabis on 4/20. Like much of my generation, most of my children's generation, and even a growing number of my parents' generation, I feel like it should be left up to individual adults to decide what plants to consume. I really don't care what people do in their free time, if they are not at work, not trying to operate heavy machinery, or not actively shouldering the responsibility of being a caregiver to someone who needs attentive care (children, elderly, or differently-abled persons). And of the things in that list, I would be happy to make exceptions -- I don't care if my artists or baristas are high on the clock, as long as I get engaging art and good coffee, for example. Generally I find when people are relaxed and not in pain, they're much more pleasant to be around. So you do you, pot smokers of America. I may not toke up with you, but I'm not going to get up in your business if you do it. I might avoid you if you smell skunky, but that's a whole other thing.

Six months ago when I had my major eye exam, to make sure we had a baseline from which to measure my macula to make sure my lupus medication doesn't make me permanently blind, they dilated my eyes. They made me wait fifteen or twenty minutes, and then they studied the insides of my eyes thoroughly. Then, as I was living alone at the time, I drove home without the extra sunglasses they provide, because I assumed my changeable glasses would be enough. It was super sunny that day, and I barely made it home. I went for a six month follow up today, and I made arrangements in advance. I had Mr X drive me, and I brought a ball cap to wear low over my face on the return. Not only were there heavy clouds and a light rain, but the yellow eye drops didn't seem to actually dilated my eyes at all. Doc peered inside just a minute after the drops. And I was fine thereafter. Did they change the formulation so that it's a quick out and back? Or will I have to get the full treatment again in October? Granted, I didn't want to be blind and stumbling about for hours today, but I am someone confused as to why the process changed.

The light rain turned into a strong downpour in the evening. It was the first real lightning and thunder storm of the year. It was absolutely blissful. And I feel obligated to brag about my big Bunny Boy. For the first time in recorded memory, Alfred stayed visible through at least five minutes of thunder. He didn't hide under furniture at the first slight rumble. Someone is gaining confidence and swagger.

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