Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Conversation, More or Less

Inspirational song: La Vie En Rose (Louis Armstrong)

My head hurts. Not because of any medical condition. I recorded a certain live television event while I was out this evening, and I am just now most of the way through watching it. After listening to the English language get pulsed in a Cuisinart, I am not sure even I can make sentences anymore. I am in mourning for the death of civil discourse. I just can't even anymore.

It's a shame to end my night on this note. I had a wonderful night out with my fellow Rotarians, and I had pleasant conversations for hours. We had an area meeting at a local art museum, with all three chapters coming together to hear the district governor talk about how things are going for us. I got to see some friends who I worked with from the other clubs, and I met some new people who I hope will become friends as well. I've noticed that caterers are getting much better about identifying gluten free menu items, and I was happy that I had plenty of options for dinner. And the location for the event was well-chosen. The current installation at the art museum is a selection of very creative altars for Dia de los Muertos. I may go back and study them further when I'm not trying to socialize with so many people at once.

I think I'm done with words for now. I need to let my blood pressure lower after watching the final spectacle on television. After watching all those Harry Potter movies, I know that the cure after a dementor tries to steal all the happiness out of your soul is rest and chocolate. That's all that I plan for the remainder of the evening.

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