Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Purple and Orange

Inspirational song: People Get Ready (Rod Stewart)

It was nesting day. I've been making progress on my house for a couple months, ever since I pulled myself out of the worst of the pain and funk, but today I went into overdrive. Starting tomorrow, I will be going through a long phase with guests coming in and out of the house. I needed my guest room to be available, and after half-chipping at it for weeks, I finally cleared out the floor and found the bed underneath the mountain of laundry and spare pillows. I filled the trash can with receipts dumped out of purses with each seasonal or mood change, and handfuls of tags ripped off of the solid color t-shirts from Target that I go through like Kleenex. The room isn't perfect. My dresser is still a mess of jewelry boxes, rolled up posters, and art projects that never happened. I stacked a few boxes in the closet to be emptied later. But that room is now ready for my darling daughter and granddog to come for a visit. Bring it!

I love my house when it is clean like this. It feels twice as big when the floors are open and clean. I've never felt good in a room with crap spread on the floor or spilling off of every horizontal surface. But I have never had the energy to tackle it on a regular basis. I have to dance forward and back with the tide of clutter. I am debating whether to take an extra step forward in the dance, and decorate for the season, bringing out my autumn wreath from last year, putting my sole home-grown pumpkin on the porch, and maybe giving in to temptation and going to buy purple and orange string lights to put on the front of the house. I keep seeing other people putting up lights for Halloween, and I am so into the idea of doing it myself. It might have to happen.

As much fun as I had showing off my long hair in the pictures from a week ago, I am starting to come to terms with the inevitability that I'm going to have to cut it soon. The medications I take are making it fall out in ridiculous amounts. The length probably doesn't help it, because the weight of what is left pulls on my scalp any time I put it up, and it makes it more painfully obvious how rapidly it's coming out. I'm starting to investigate what might look good as an interim cut between the long mane I have now and the sick woman's pixie cut that may be in my long term future (if I don't end up entirely bald, which is in the realm of possibilities, but not guaranteed). I asked the younger daughter to start thinking of suggestions, and I'll do the same for the other daughter when she arrives. I said out loud that maybe it is time to consider purple accents (what with purple being "the color" of lupus). I like the color I've been dying my hair to blend in the gray with the brown, even though at times it comes across as more orange than the "golden blonde" the dye claims. I started joking with my daughter about why I've always loved orange and purple together, citing the children's book that was in my top two favorites of all time, with a prince named Frederic and a dragon that spat purple and orange fireworks. Any time I looked for it in the past, the Google let me down, and I couldn't remember the correct name of the book. Tonight, my luck has changed. I finally got a hit for The Dragon Who Liked to Spit Fire by Judy Varga. I found that original copies are listed for sale on Amazon and other sites, although I have a preferred place to purchase it, if I can. Even better, images from inside the book are available for instant gratification. This is it. This is why I've always loved purple and orange lights. Apparently it's why I love a lot of things, including adopting animals too. It might just be enough to inspire my new look. I'll have to think that one over for a little while.

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