Saturday, October 1, 2016

Good Therapy

Inspirational song: Love Will Find a Way (Pablo Cruise)

Before Labor Day, I was listening to the limited engagement "yacht rock" channel a lot, especially at night, when I was using it as a sleep aid. Around the same time, I started playing the same "name that tune" game with myself that I used to foist onto the kids when we drove, making them name the titles and artists of songs. I tried getting the names within the first 5 or 10 seconds of each song. While listening to the yacht rock channel, I struggled a little harder with the game, because I just wasn't as conversant in soft rock as I am in other music. I think at first half of my guesses were "Uh.. Pablo Cruise?" It rarely was. But now, after I've stopped listening to that channel so often (and sleeping a little better at night, not needing the noise), I keep coming across Pablo Cruise. Just tonight, as I drove home from seeing my daughter, it played again. I'm not sure I've ever heard this music so much in my life. Or maybe I just wasn't paying attention. That seems to happen to me a lot. When you become aware of something, you see it everywhere, and wonder how you missed it all along.

I spent all day finding ways to heal myself. I slept fairly well last night (still rare enough to be special). I made it to the pharmacy on the way to my massage this morning. I had a headache when I went in for an hour and a half with dear Slow Hand, but by the time I left, I felt much better. I appreciate his efforts so much. He knows exactly what to do to help me find pain relief and relaxation, without ever bruising me (as almost every other therapist has at least once). He remembers what I've told him about my preferences, and about my life. I trust him, and while I'm there, I heal. I had just enough time to stop at the bank on the way home, and then I tuned in to the football game. Not once did I feel stressed listening to that, which is dramatically different than the last several seasons. An easy victory left me feeling hopeful for an entertaining year as a spectator and fan. For once I have hope that the team will win at homecoming, when I reunite with alumni and family to watch.

I picked some vegetables and herbs from my garden to go with veggies I had bought, and cooked while the game was on. I took my beta carotene bonanza with me to have dinner with people who mean a lot to me. It was the most therapeutic thing I did all day, which is saying a lot. I bonded, I vented, I laughed, and I listened. By the time I left, I was both spun up and exhausted. It was a fantastic night, and exactly what the doctor ordered. I am grateful to my hosts and fellow diners for a perfect end to a nearly perfect day. I'm having more and more of these, and it's good therapy for what ails me.

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