Monday, March 27, 2017

Big in the Middle

Inspirational song: Oompa #2 Gum (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)

Yep. I did it. I did *things* over the weekend, and I left myself with a spoon deficit for Monday. Now I'm trying to work off that debt. No, wait. Wrong verbage. I'm trying to rest off the debt? Does that fit the action, or lack thereof, more accurately? Whatever describes it correctly, I'll take it.

I started the day finally willing to make the phone call (the hard part) to go see the doctor (the easy part), to discuss the frequent tenderness in my torso. I am so sensitive in the middle that I don't even like it when tiny little Athena walks on me. Diet doesn't seem to make a difference, adding or subtracting food choices. Neither my regular pills nor the recently-added strong probiotics have improved the situation. It's not something that pain pills can help. I'm feeling swollen and tender from armpits to tailbone, and I've lost patience with it. I stopped wearing clothes with unyielding waistbands. The cats think I'm mean and cruel for refusing to let them sleep on my belly. I can't get comfortable at night, and twice recently I felt like I was wearing a belt when I was totally naked. This must stop.

The doctor's office let me come in immediately when I called this morning. Once we started chatting, doc and I, I thought she was going to send me away to wait weeks or months for the probiotics to slowly change my microflora, and do nothing to address the months of pain. She had started telling me that it was the only way to treat gut problems like I was describing. She spoke of h. Pylori and the like, before she scrolled through my previous blood test results that showed I was negative for it. We kept talking, and then she had me lie down so she could push on me a little bit. I didn't kick her or scream or anything, but it was obvious that the palpitations were no fun for me. I don't know whether that changed her mind, or was it in her plan all along, but at the end of my visit, she referred me to a gastroenterologist. She asked me whether I was up for an endoscope, and when that didn't scare me off, she seemed more willing to escalate my case. (My only question was whether they put you under to go in from the top like they do from the bottom. Being awake would be the only deal-breaker.)

I have no idea how long it will take to process the new referral (and get updates for the other two I needed from her). I will just stay here and bloat and ache and rumble while I wait for it. And maybe I'll buy another few pairs of soft spandex leggings, as that's all I wear these days. I might get a few brightly colored ones, with flowers and stuff on them, for spring.

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