Sunday, March 5, 2017

Ready or Not

Inspirational song: Something's Coming (West Side Story)

There are lots of literal ups and downs still to come over the next several weeks, regarding temperature and precipitation, but it's hard to deny that we are facing a remarkably early spring in these parts. It feels early to me, and to a lot of the people with whom I speak. March and April are supposedly the snowiest months, and I hope that is true again for this year. We need the moisture. But I'm not seeing a whole lot of cold to make that come about though. I get nervous about this time anyway. But this time, I'm not itching for winter to end. I feel like winter barely started. I need some deep snow several times over before I can let go this year.

It's just a few days until green is everywhere. I saw vague hints of grass sprouts as early as a week ago, but they were tiny and rare. Now they are sprinkled evenly across everyone's yards. It's all still predominantly brown, but the color switch is coming very soon. I just don't know how to feel about this. For four years I've written a blog about gardening and animals. Writing during the winters is hard. I will have more material once we are outside most days, but am I ready for that?

Maybe I'm looking forward to part of it. I have started craving spring sorts of foods, like greens and radishes and the like. I keep thinking about things that are colored pink, in clothes and sweets, for example. I started following the social media of my favorite local plant nursery. And I didn't make it forty feet through Costco today before I stopped dead in front of the display of flower bulbs. I mean, I needed them. Really. All of the dahlias in the Unless garden died because we didn't know we had to dig up the rhizomes to keep them from freezing. I'll try to remember to do better next fall. But the colors... It was all I could do to choose only four of the pinks and two of the oranges. I wanted them all! So, yeah, okay. I'm a little bit ready for spring. The thing is, it will come whether I'm ready or not.

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