Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Looming Deadlines

Inspirational song: Alison (Elvis Costello)

I sat here staring at my freshly opened laptop, wondering what song could possibly sum up my day. A notification came in from Centralized Showing Service with the subject line "Your Aim Is True," or something very close to that. Well, I suppose if you insist, random spammy email, I could use the first song with that sentiment that comes to mind. Sometimes the inspiration is really just the last thing I heard or thought of. I'd love to believe that it was always relevant, but the truth is more important to me.

I'm very nervous. I am freaking out about dates and deadlines. And when I have that clutch of panic that comes when I realize time is ticking and things aren't being completed, it comes with the feeling of electrified acid in my veins. I need to spend a little time focusing on relaxing, but that will just make things worse when it means my deadlines are even closer but I've not done my work. I can't win.

Tomorrow will probably be the worst day for a while. It's inspection day. Most regular readers know that I have had three contracts die in inspection since June of last year. My buyers swear they aren't walking away this time, but that doesn't comfort me much. I am to the point where I am doubting I will ever see the closing table. It seems like a fantasy land to me. We went up to the property today so that they could measure and discuss projects with their contractor. Mrs Buyer said that she just wasn't meant to have that last house, and she absolutely loves this one. Please tell me she will still love it after tomorrow.

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