Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Fun and Games

Inspirational song: It's Not Easy Being Green (Kermit the Frog)

I'm playing with the big kids now. I'm learning yet more tactics, trying to win the scrum for who gets the contract on the rare property up in Weld County. We submitted our offer first, and tried to press hard with an early response date, hoping to score a contract before anyone else could throw down paperwork. Unfortunately, by the time our deadline was two hours away, one other offer was in, one more was being written. I was told to bring my A game, and rewrite with the strongest figure my clients were prepared to offer. So we did that. Our absolute max is out there, waiting to be judged. I did everything I could to be the hype man. Now I have to wait to see whether my strategy has been enough to win in a highly competitive arena. Good houses don't come open in this neighborhood often, and in October we lost out on one two streets over because we tried too hard to haggle. I would have thought the loss would be fresh enough in my clients' minds that they wouldn't dilly-dally, but one of them asked whether they could still bargain. Time is a-wastin', friend. Do you really want to lose your best chance for a house in your dream neighborhood over a couple thousand dollars? In the end, she understood. I am not sure whether I'll be able to sleep tonight. I have to try. Tomorrow will be a long day as it is. I ought to be rested to watch the clock and refresh my email inbox every minute or so.

I have pretty much everything I need for my tablescape for Thursday. I have all of the key parts, and I just have to put it all together, and maybe buy a fresh flower tomorrow to tie it all together. I went looking for a silk magnolia blossom, and found a giant bouquet of them at Michael's for 15 bucks. Okay, it was actually 40% off of that, but I'm still debating whether it was a good enough fake for my artistic vision. It was enormous, and the leaves were seriously fake looking. I bought a packet of real Spanish moss while I was there, and originally my plan was to hydrate it with a mist from a spray bottle. Then I realized just how much it was dyed green. I had it sitting in a clear glass bowl, and I ran just a little water over the top. And a little more. And a lot more. And the water in the bowl looked like the Green Goblin had used it as a chamberpot. It was somewhere between kelly and electric. I kept rinsing and rinsing, holding the mass of moss with my left hand. Now all five fingers on that hand are stained an unhealthy lime color. I hope this bleaches out, maybe with a little lemon juice. It's not the look I was going for in my first introduction to the crowd at the country club.

We toured a new facility in town, my Rotary buddy and I. It's a restaurant/bar/meeting place/games complex, but it's not marketed directly to 16-24 year old males, like all the other chains I've ever heard of. This one is only the second location for this company, the first being in Evergreen. It's an outdoors/Colorado wildlife theme, and it's actually quite wonderful on its surface. We are going to hold a club social there later this month, at their loft bar. I plan to test it out before then, though. I kind of liked its 8-lane boutique bowling alley with the buffalo herd mural. This calls to me. The call of the wild, as it were.

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