Thursday, July 20, 2017

Blood Pressure

Inspirational song: Highest Ground (Stevie Wonder)

I was nervous as hell when I woke up this morning. This was inspection day, and I always dread inspection day. To date, I had had as many deals fall apart at inspection as I had make it to closing. I will probably always fear this day above all others in the process of buying and selling houses. Granted, this deal is a bit more special than all of the others, but that gave me no less pause going in. There still could be a catastrophic failure of the structure, or evidence that the house was previously used for the manufacture of illegal drugs, or something else to blow up the process. There were a bunch of us present this morning: both buyers, me, and Mr S-P, plus the two home inspectors (the owner of the business and his assistant). Rumor was that the appraiser was supposed to be around too, but we never saw him. I think he rescheduled, but I'm waiting for confirmation of that.

The inspectors were cordial and very knowledgeable. Best of all, they were soothing. As they showed us things that needed replacement or that were in serviceable condition, they spoke calmly, with approachable, open faces. There was no sign of dire material defects, nothing to make them wince before they pointed anything out. I've said before this house isn't perfect, and this inspection was more to solidify and prioritize the post-closing to-do list than anything. By the time they left, we were all smiles, and I decided that these guys would get lots of referrals from me. (Seriously. If you're buying a home in northern Colorado, hit me up for their contact information.)

I visited with my rheumatologist this afternoon. My blood pressure was still a tiny bit elevated by the time I got there, but I was tired already and nervous about the long list of complaints I had to share. I told her everything, and we made good progress. She wants me to see another specialist, so I have to start that process. I'm trying a new medication that gives me hope. We negotiated a bit to find the right one (one that doesn't cause significant weight gain, for one -- having more to carry around would not reduce my pain!). It will probably have to build up in my system like the anti-malarial drugs did, but if it makes my feet hurt just a little less, it could revolutionize my life. Best case scenario, it would make it so that I could start exercising again. Fingers crossed.

You know what a political junkie I am. I made the mistake of watching TV and reading Twitter tonight. If you even glanced at Twitter or MSM, you probably know why my blood pressure spiked this evening. I actually had to watch one more episode of Game of Thrones to calm myself down. (Almost through last season, so we can be current with everyone else.) I picked the wrong month to give up popcorn.

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