Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Talk Talk

Inspirational song: Talking in Your Sleep (The Romantics)

I'm not sure whether it's easier or harder to compose essays when one is in an altered state of mind. I'm definitely there, now that a muscle relaxer has worked its magic on my mind and body, and I went from having no idea what I was going to write to having three paragraphs plotted out in the time it took for my computer to boot up. I suppose that makes it easier. It also means I give fewer monkey's tosses how proper my language is or how exact is my grammar. Mind your step. This could get obscene before I notice what I'm doing. I'll try to delete it before it slips through, however.

The home inspection is scheduled for tomorrow morning, and it also turns out that the appraisal is going to be happening at the same time. I got that phone call this afternoon, waking me from a dead sleep in a nap I really needed. I'd left the tv going on news, and zonked out, and had to sound fully awake and competent in a split second once I saw it was the listing agent on the phone. We are all planning on being at the inspection, but now I have cautioned everyone to use their inside voices. No shouting out questions or complaining about things that are broken or missing. We want to know what needs fixing from the inspector, and we will have a ton of questions for him. But if the appraiser is in earshot while that is going on, we need to be careful not to point out defects that might make us miss our target valuation. If the house doesn't meet appraisal, it might make it impossible to get the loan without someone forking over more cash, something that none of us have on hand right now. The main thing that we feared would sink the deal was the back patio slab (well, two of them, technically--the original and the addition) has been removed. It was 8 or 10 inches too low, because of expansive soils that weren't amended properly when it was poured. It has been completely chopped up and removed, with redwood stairs in its place. This is the best, most cost-effective solution we could imagine, until the house is in the family and a proper deck can be built. I hope the appraiser sees it as the right solution as well.

While I tried to sleep, the news on tv kept getting weirder and weirder to listen to. News of all sorts kept breaking. It has been a crazy day. I am continually amazed by the horrible things that are said in Washington, by people who are old enough to know better. I heard recordings of threats, evidence of lies and coverups, and witnesses scheduled to testify before Congress. I barely had time to absorb one new piece of scandal before another one dropped. My favorite reality show has jumped so many sharks, it could be a horrible Sci-Fi movie franchise. I was saddened to hear confirmation of what the nation whispered about Senator McCain when he stumbled through his befuddled line of questioning at the end of Comey day. He acted like he was having a brain event, and he was. All scandals and partisan posturing aside for now. I wish him well, as I do Representative Scalise, who had so many surgeries on his pelvic organs. Having had so many of mine removed and resectioned, I wish him comfort and peaceful healing also.

Pretty sure I made it through the whole thing without cussing. Yay, me! Now I can rest in the sweet arms of my muscle relaxer, to the sounds of night time punditry. And now, flower pictures.

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