Monday, July 10, 2017

It Should Work

Inspirational song: Working In a Coal Mine (v. Devo)

This felt like a real, bona fide workday. I spent nearly the entire day until just past 4 splitting my time between communications with three different clients, doing research for all of each as well as updating an offer with one. I reached out to the boss for guidance, consulted with a banker for approval on a timeline I was proposing, and sent the offer from last week back to the agent to go into backup status. Not a lot of time spent on distractions like playing on the iPad, listing to political radio, or talking to the cats. A real workday. Suddenly I remember what I used to be like, before illness and a lack of prospects sucked all the competence out of me. It felt really good to feel like I was in control again.

My brother has suffered from a corresponding lack of vocational satisfaction for a similarly long period of time. He was miserable for it, and we who love him felt powerless to aid him, although attempts were made to do so. Somewhere in the last weeks or months, the tide has turned for him. For the first time in ages, he's doing something that makes him feel powerful, and makes him look to the future as something he can master. I love hearing him talk about how much his prospects excite him now. I want more than anything for this to pan out. If it works out to be even half as prosperous as he thinks predicts, then he will be riding comfortably for a while.

While I was out watering the flowers in the front lawn, I saw the Nextlight truck at my neighbor's house. I turned green with envy. I know my turn is coming in 36 hours, but I am still jealous that he has it now and I don't. I texted him tonight to ask whether it's working, but I didn't ask whether he has measured the speed of his internet. 1000 Mbps is the potential, but it has to have proper equipment to make it work. I have the new Wi-Fi router ready to go, although it's sitting in its box, still shrink wrapped and with the receipt in the bag. I am not intending on getting a new computer yet, since the one I have is not much over a year old, dating from when I first started showing houses. I saw that Costco had a 2-day flash sale on iPads, which I almost never see, so I ordered one to replace the 16 GB Gen 3 I have been using for about 5-6 years. (I had planned on waiting until the next house closes, so I jumped the gun, but for $50 off. I couldn't not.) It should arrive the day after the new internet, so I will have plenty of new toys to play with. I don't think I'm going to want a whole lot come Christmas this year. Maybe just visitors to watch White Christmas and the like with me, with a generous supply of homemade eggnog. I'm sure we'll be able to stream all those movies on my scary fast internet... if it arrives on time Wednesday. Not that I'm counting the seconds or anything.

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