Saturday, July 8, 2017

In With the New

Inspirational song: Needles and Pins (The Searchers)

Still, the uncertainty continues. Yesterday afternoon I was just sure I had another contract. By the time I went to bed I was less sure, but I was too sick to feel like worrying about it. This morning I had to work up the intestinal fortitude even to ask about it. I didn't want to hear what I expected was coming. I only got part of the news I feared. Another offer did indeed come in before they had a chance to choose ours. So now we are in a three-way competition, with the principal listening to competing voices, each championing a different offer. I'm torn between hope and annoyance. I still want my buyers to land this house. But I'm tired of being played with.

I got to meet a new person tonight. And when I say new, I mean, he has been on this earth only about six months. He is the first of the next generation of our family, son of our oldest niece. I took pictures, but they were for family consumption only. We were all gathered during his best awake time, between five and eight this evening. He obliged us all, and was alert and happy the whole time, although everyone took turns bouncing him and walking him around to keep him entertained and cordial. (Except me -- I've been too clumsy lately to want to take a turn holding a small person who wouldn't take it well if I stumbled or fumbled him.) I studied his small face, trying to see who I'd recognize in it. I'd say he has more of his daddy's face in his, but there were hints of his mama's line as well.

This latest flare is particularly evil. It appears to be entirely contained to the outer quarter inch of my body, all the way around, even in my mouth. Everything feels like a sunburn being smacked by a carpet of needles. My skin suit hurts. I am supposed to go back to the rheumatologist in two weeks. I don't want this to still be going on that long, but if that's what it takes for me to remember to tell her about it, and find out what exactly this means, I'll put up with it. It would be easier to just make a note of it in my phone and then feel better. Wish me luck that this is what happens.

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