Sunday, July 2, 2017

Full Mermaid

Inspirational song: Royals (v. Puddles Pity Party)

Okay, we all knew this was inevitable, right? Can we just admit that? Once I started down the path of dying my hair funny colors and getting spontaneous positive feedback from strangers and acquaintances alike, it was just a matter of time before I expanded my color palette. Every time I passed the hair dye samples in Sally Beauty, I'd run a fingertip longingly over the other colors before settling back into buying Neon Purple and Pastel Lilac. It was really working for me, but the idea of turquoise or teal worked in there somewhere never really left my consciousness. Friday I drove across the street after my massage, and while in an extraordinarily relaxed state, I allowed myself to add in Jade and Aqua. I showed my kid what I had done, and told her my plan. She volunteered to be my colorist, and bade me wait until today. She came right at lunchtime (and I did feed her for her efforts) and painted on the layers I asked her to. The bottom layer, closest to my neck, is Jade, next up is Aqua, the same altitude as my temples is Lilac, and the very top is Neon Purple. I have gone Full Mermaid with my holiday hair. Right now it is extremely vivid, having had nearly two hours to soak in before I gently rinsed out the residue, leaving as much color as I could (and wearing a black t-shirt so that I didn't ruin a good lighter colored one). I am loving the chunks of color. I kept with my current style, dying only the bottom few inches of hair, leaving the top a more traditional color (albeit more ginger than I ever thought I'd sport so easily). I can pull it all back into a bun and hide it if I feel I'm in a situation where creativity is frowned upon, but lucky for me, I am rarely in such a situation.

Creativity was the name of the game today. I started my morning early, mixing up a dry rub for ribs, so that we could test out the new smoker. Once they were started, I made a cobbler with cherries from the tree out front in the Unless Garden, and the last two freezer bags of Palisade peaches from last year's Rotary fundraiser. I didn't over think it. I made a topping with almond flour, tapioca starch, a little coconut flour, butter, eggs, sugar, and the necessary ingredients to give it a little lift. Our next door neighbor and his girlfriend were here for dinner tonight, and they said that I need to write down exactly what I did for the cobbler, so that I can reproduce it often. I felt like a culinary genius, and it was even sweeter knowing that I grew so much of my own food this time. (There was also a wide variety of fresh herbs in the salad, as well as home-grown kale and raspberries.)

Our friends and we completed watching all eight of the Harry Potter movies. The neighbor had never seen them all before. We may add in Magical Beasts once one of us obtains a copy, but after that we are on the hunt for a new series to watch. We were horrified to learn that the neighbor also hasn't ever seen Firefly, so that is high up in the queue. I doubt either he or his girlfriend have ever seen Blackadder, so that's probably coming too. But both of those are television series, not movies (except Serenity-- I know, I know...) What other movie series are good enough to watch all of them in a season of weekends? I'm open to suggestions.

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