Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Finally Got a Piece of the Pie

Inspirational song: Movin' On Up (The Jeffersons)

It's going faster than any of us imagined it would. It helps that someone with leadership training has taken over the move, assigning tasks and keeping everyone moving on time. I was allowed to operate on the periphery, because I had so many of my own tasks to take care of, starting very early this morning. So I haven't seen the military precision I'm imagining was occurring with the emptying of the condo garage or the loading of book boxes into the trailer that Mr S-P borrowed for the day. I can't say how it went on that end, but I saw what was happening on the unloading side. The house is starting to look like someone (or several someones) is going to live there. The kids are doubling their square footage, plus a little bit, so I don't know how full it will ever actually look. There is stuff everywhere. Just not cats. Wait, not true. The cat who used to live there, who was abandoned by the last set of tenants of this house, and then adopted by the neighbor, has been wandering in and out of the house all evening. I'm sorry, I failed to take pictures. Battery was low and so was my brain power. There will be other chances for pictures of Sam.

Yesterday when we arrived at the house after closing, the only pieces of furniture in the house were the two ottomans that I made (with help from the Mr when I had trouble or needed a pro to run the table saw that I'm so afraid of). I spent several days on them, and I wanted to show them off on this blog, but they were a double super secret surprise for the kids. They are as functional as I could make them, with four-sided storage originally intended to hold up to 32 manga books each. It was pointed out to me that they might be better for video game storage, and I accepted the wisdom of that characterization. They are made of MDF, so they are strong enough to be used as footstools, but not strong enough to be chairs, even though they have three inch thick cushions on top covered in nautical themed fabric (anchors are a running gag). They've got five casters each, the fifth being in the middle just in case someone ignores the warnings and tries to sit on them.

I tried to spray paint them, and was forced to admit the advice was correct when I was warned that spray paint and MDF are not friends. I had to go out at the last minute and buy Kilz and tinted paint, which was okay overall. I got a turquoise that matched the fabric better than the "ocean mist" glossy spray paint I bought first. The more I worked with it, the more I was convinced that I had dealt with something painted this exact same color and finish some time in my past. I thought maybe cabinets, and my daughter thinks maybe it was the color she painted a stool when we lived in Oklahoma. Perhaps that makes these ottomans the right gift to bring a little of the past and a hope for the future into her new home.

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