Thursday, August 10, 2017


Inspirational song: Dust In the Wind (Kansas)

Maybe I should dye my hair tomorrow. No, not the funky four-color bottom four inches. I need to touch up my roots. I am afraid to look too closely, but I think I'm about 50% more white-haired from the stress of the last week. I desperately wanted to have a meltdown today. If I could have, I might have turned off all of my electronics, except maybe the teevee, and even there I would have watched an old DVD of Schoolhouse Rock or something equally calming. Communication between me, my two sets of clients, lenders, title agents, and listing agents has stepped up into overdrive over the last 36 hours. Everyone is in a frenzy, and emails and phone calls are flying around to tie up loose ends before closings on Monday. I'm almost afraid to want to chill out this weekend. I'm going to be glued to my phone, waiting for some mysterious catastrophe, after all the panic today.

Best I can tell, both deals are exactly where they ought to be. I just keep feeling like I've left my keys in a weird place and can't find them. I'm patting my pockets and walking around the house feeling lost. I can't keep names or details in my head. I forgot big plans for tomorrow at least three times (especially the parts that don't happen to me directly).

I'll eventually put all of the pieces in the right places. Until then, I'll find unrelated ways to keep my hands busy. On that note, did you know that MDF sawdust is worse than glitter? I will be living with this crap forever.

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