Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Lag Time

Inspirational song: Time (Alan Parsons Project)

I'm doing time backwards again. I've been accused of living backwards in time, and called Benjamina Buttons more than once, for looking younger now than I did at 25. But that's not what I'm talking about. When I went to Los Angeles, I was up later at night than in my own regular Mountain time zone. I woke up a lot during the night, and for all that I always move slowly in the mornings to get coffee and clothes on, I was up at or around a normal time. Now that I'm back, I've been ready for bed since about 8 this evening. I literally can't keep my eyes open, and my head is swimming from fatigue and jet lag.

I had to watch Game of Thrones as soon as we could time it now that I'm back. A whole bunch of poopyheads on the internet kept throwing out spoilers, from the time it ended on Sunday night onward. It's getting crazy the closer they get to the season finale and the last season next time around. I'd heard a lot of griping about the rapid messaging service the ravens provide, and how the ships and armies easily travel through time and space on a heartbeat's notice. We've seen this throughout the last four or five episodes, and ether this land is much smaller than it's described, or there are fantasy army superhighways that I'd love to travel on one day. As it is, I have decided I really want to travel to Croatia where much of this is filmed, especially after listening to our new foreign exchange student who is from there talk about how cool her country is.

In the day and a half since I last saw them, the Uninvited Guest litter has matured from a pile of furry sausages to a family of kids who are actually kitten shaped now. I had some pictures waiting for me after GoT, and they already look so much bigger and stronger. Most of them have both eyes open now, although some aren't super wide open. I have to say, I really enjoyed my time out west, seeing how well my daughter adapted to LA, how well her own dog and cats are doing, and getting to know the new rescue and foster babies as well as I could. It's hard being back to only watching them on the internet. I'll get used to it. It's how I do it all the time.

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