Thursday, August 24, 2017

Prescription to Nap

Inspirational song: I'll Sleep When I'm Dead (Warren Zevon)

A week ago, I was so excited that I'd be done with stuff for a while. I am theoretically between clients, although I have more leads than I thought I did. I was going to turn around and catch up on sleep and clean house and maybe even sort through some more cardboard boxes full of belongings that have made two or more moves with me. I have done none of that so far. In fact, I am pretty sure I'm more behind on critical tasks now than I was when my world was absorbed in the final run up to the two deals from last week.

Remember a year and a half ago, when I thought it was so hilarious that my doctor told me that she wanted me sleeping six to seven hours at night, and two to three hours in the afternoons, and I bragged that I had a prescription to take naps? I think that lasted all of two months, and then I was physically incapable of doing it at all. I was changing so much physically, emotionally, mentally, that I had no ability to sleep in the afternoon. I was so stressed out by the, ah, let's call them "personnel changes" at Smith Park, that I barely slept at all. (And the hot flashes that really spooled up as of last summer did not make anything easier.) I know there have been a couple of days in the last year that I slept a solid seven hours or more in a single night, with only one or two wakes before dawn, but I guarantee there have been fewer than five. In a year. Does this get better, ever? Now that I am une femme d'un certain âge, can I hope that someday I will sleep at night, and be a normal temperature ever again? At this rate, I'd settle for being able to set a computer on my lap without immediately sparking a hot flash, but surely it will get better someday?

I suppose I'm not as bad off as it feels like I am. I managed to make three new doctor appointments today, after the referrals only sat in my health account for two weeks. I followed up on some paperwork from my Johnstown deal. I pitched my services for a listing for a friend. I made some selections for replacement materials for the condo before it is rented. I am set up for price quotes on more. And I might be moving up my target date to replace my washer and dryer (which still work but can be moved on down the family tree), now that I stumbled on a fabulous sale that I probably can't pass up. If I could just apply some of my newly rediscovered multitasking ability and reserve energies to Rotary PR, I'd be in business. But for now, I think I need sleep.

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