Monday, August 21, 2017

Sand Everywhere. Ev. Ree. Where.

Inspirational song: The Ocean (Led Zeppelin)

We were supposed to go to the beach twice today. Once to swim, once to the dog beach. It was an absolutely air tight clever plan. Just forgot one tiny detail. Once I spend an hour or more in the sun, I need a nap. Let me clarify. I get a nap whether I know it's coming or not. I slept through the opportunity to take Sheba to the dog beach. I feel bad. Not because of my sun exposure and subsequent fatigue. I feel bad because the derpy little dog was counting on a chance to be out.

My trip is coming to an end. I have a little time to wait for my flight tomorrow, while everyone and their dog is watching the eclipse. I'll probably be chilling at LAX, forgetting what time it is, wondering why everyone is looking out the windows.

It's late and I'm almost packed. I'll sort through the rest of my pictures over the next week. There's probably good stuff in there.

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