Wednesday, August 30, 2017

With the Grain

Inspirational song: Bad Case of Loving You (Robert Palmer)

I failed to take pretty pictures again today. I think the only one I took was of what was still remaining to be cleaned in the condo, so that I could remind the former tenants that they have until tomorrow night to finish returning it to as close as we can get to the condition they received it in back in 2015. It was more than 50% brand new when they moved back in after the flood, and some wear and tear in 2 years is to be expected. I was totally fine going in with a new fridge and range, and taking it upon myself to put fresh paint on the wall. But I draw the line at deep cleaning their bathroom or picking the Cheerio out of the dirty kitchen drawer (when oats are the grain that negatively affect me more violently than all others combined--I'm afraid even to touch them).

Our work in the condo is nearing an end. Almost every square inch is painted taupe that is going to be. I have a few baseboards to touch up, but they aren't in bad shape, except the two boards where there's damage from our little old man cat (who I still think of as my naughty baby boy Rio, from the Godzilla's Kittens trio that included my Cricket and tiny Smacky who still lives in California, and wonders whether that litter of kittens heralds her replacement(s)). The man replaced several electrical outlets that had either been painted outright or splattered with wall texture during the flood repairs. He also installed a new programmable thermostat, replaced the furnace filter, and did other handyman jobs that needed to be done before a new renter moves in (and pays more rent than the "friends and family discount" brought in). It's so close to done. Getting a new renter and not getting scammed or duped is a hurdle I'll worry about later, after we fix it up nicely.

Met a new doctor today. Not ready to talk about it a whole lot, until I find out what sorts of things he tells me. He did a lot of nodding, a lot of uh-huhing, and an uncomfortable amount of smiling. Then, when he told me about the tests that were coming and why, he just slipped a couple scary words in the middle, as a "we just need to rule this out" kind of talk. So... I'll wait until they are ruled out, and see where we are after that. Two more new doctors next month, but they are most likely going to be less scary and more relieving.

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