Sunday, August 20, 2017

Picture Problems

Inspirational song: Tired of Waiting (The Kinks)

I can't do it anymore. I just spent well over an hour, starting around midnight, trying to delete photos from my One Drive, so that there is space for the most recent ones to sync, and then I can upload them from my laptop to the blog. It's slow going, because every time I sort and select a handful, then delete them, I have to wait while it processes the deletions, and then it goes back to my phone, syncs more, and adds them to the cloud file. The whole time the screen is jumping around, making images appear and disappear at random, and I have to wait for the dance to stop before I can select more, or it makes it take longer, because it opens photos s-l-o-w-l-y. I am exhausted from two big, massive, huge days of touring SoCal, and my ankles are the size of rain barrels from walking and riding in the car. To top it off, when I was finally ready to give up and just write with what I had, I dropped my phone between the bed and the wall, and had to get up and move furniture to retrieve it, and as soon as I had done that, Ralphie, my obnoxious grand-kitten, came up and crawled into the bag that my souvenirs came in, dancing on stuff, threatening to chew up more packing paper. And my One Drive still hasn't synched, so I can't even show you the picture of Ralphie tonight. I have to give up and go to bed.

I have some pictures from yesterday, from a drive around the coast, but I barely have energy to describe what they are. I'll just throw a few on, and see whether I can say a single thing about them.

Vacations are hard, y'all.

There was a Korean bell and temple in a sort of US-Korean friendship park. I took a picture of the sign somewhere. I don't think I downloaded that picture.

We went up around San Pedro to some really nice neighborhoods and hung out in lovely little parks with million dollar views.

All three of us girls were in the Golden Buffalo Marching Band (just not all together). Hence the group photo in front of the buffalo display, angled that way to try to catch the magpies on that side of the diorama. Lighting wasn't so great, though.

Big body, little brain. They called it the Sheba of dinosaurs. (Sheba is my grand-puppy.)

Okay, I know where the eye sockets and nose actually are, but I am amused by where they appear to be on this skull.

I could have a rotunda like this in my house, with this Art Deco statue. It would make me happy.

Love me some magpies.

"No, thanks. I already own a penguin." (W. Allen)

Tiny sculpture of a weaver. Gorgeous.

This statue is either a jester reevaluating his life choices, or he's pooping.

Most of the creatures in this hall of dioramas had predators and their prey featured together.

Out the back door of the below entrance to the museum. This is the long shot they used for the exteriors of "the Jeffersonian," the fictional scientific institute on "Bones."

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