Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Late Summer Trip

Inspirational song: Vacation (The Go-Gos)

After doing exactly what I promised I would do (which was pretty much jack all day until almost 6 pm), I started running errands. I'm good at waiting until sundown to get started, so this seemed natural. I am gearing up for a vacation this weekend, a reward I am giving myself after a month and a half of sheer panic and stress. I'm heading to SoCal for the first time since I moved away from it almost ten years ago. I hope it isn't too freaky hot while I'm there. I ought to look up the weather forecast, but I think that's more than I have brain cells for and it's not like I would change how I pack anyway.

I've seen signs of the end of summer several times this week. The ceramic pumpkins were stacked in front of King Soopers weeks ago, but now the chrysanthemums are out as well. When I went to Lowe's to get a key re-cut, I passed by rows of them there too. I don't have any open yard or pots to put them in right now, but that doesn't mean I'm not tempted. I find myself gravitating toward other trappings of autumn a lot now. It is that time of year for me. I needed to buy a new pair of sandals to take with me to Los Angeles, and conveniently I found brown leather ones on sale. I had just swapped out purses to the brown leather one I use sometimes, right on time according to the seasons. I bet it's just a matter of days before I start reaching for the autumn leaf colored, lightweight rib knit sweaters.

I am not traveling with my laptop this weekend. I'm not sure how that will affect my ability to post pictures for the duration of the trip. Might end up saving most pictures for the return next week unless there is something worth going through all the extra steps. Quelle dommage. There are some things that you're really going to enjoy seeing over the next five days.

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