Tuesday, February 26, 2019

A Look Inside

Inspirational song: Pulling Mussels (Squeeze)

Now that the first round of testing is over, and the wait begins for the second, more invasive test, I've decided to open up about what is going on. If I have to agonize waiting for round two, y'all get to wait with me. There is no way I can do another two weeks of finding euphemisms along the lines of "feeling under the weather" to maintain secrecy. I don't have it in me to lie or hide things. Besides, long ago I accepted my role of serving as a warning to others. So be warned.

It was late summer or early fall 2016 the last time my doctor's office called me and said, "hey, knucklehead, go get a mammogram already." (I'm paraphrasing there.) I'd been thinking since last October that I was probably due again, but I did nothing about it. Around then I started thinking it was the underwire in my bra that was digging into the extra padding I carry under my arms, and that's what was making me sore there off and on. In January I had a recurring itch on one side that I also put far too little thought into. Then around the first of February I found the lump. I am, to put it mildly, a curvy girl. A lump was able to hide in my breast for quite a while. I don't know how long. Possibly up to two years, since just after the last mammogram. From the outside it felt as big as a grape. I went into the doctor a few days after I found it, telling the office manager who booked the appointment that I had no idea whether it was an infection or something scarier.

The doctor made a frowny face when she investigated it. She put in an order for a scan (and I believe I wrote at the time that it took five phone calls to get the appointment) and just in case, she initiated a referral to an oncologist, so that there would be no delay if I have to go to one. I don't think she expected it to take two weeks for the imaging center to see me. She also deleted the note the tech wrote in my chart that said I was theorizing it could be mastitis.

My scans were today. It was the regular squeezy mammogram, which felt decidedly less comfortable on the lump side. Then I went in for an ultrasound, and that also felt kind of icky when she pressed the wand down on me. The mass itself is roughly 7/8 of an inch. That's all I know about it. No dimpling of the skin, no description of the physical features of the lump, no other characterization. The one lymph node they looked at looked normal. So I guess that's mostly good?

I have to wait two whole weeks for a biopsy, and because of where it's located, I've been warned that it will be hard to numb. Hooray. In the meantime, I will continue to be freaked out by every little twinge of pain or discomfort (which is somewhat better now that I bought several bras without underwires). I expect I'll still feel run down, tired, and achy while I wait, if for no other reason than the continuation of stress. I remain optimistic, however, that it could be absolutely no big deal. Even if it is a big deal, the science has come a long way, and I will place my trust in science any day of the week. I got this.

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