Saturday, February 23, 2019

Oh, Boy

Inspirational song: I’m a Boy (The Who)

I failed to take any photos today, and I’m not just complaining about being too slow whipping out my phone when the large, beautiful magpie landed on the little tree right outside my sister-in-law’s kitchen door. He was only there a few seconds, and I tried to capture him in pixels, but magpies are notoriously capricious and camera-shy. Someday I will encounter a magpie who wants to pose for me. Someday.

My lack of photos bothers me because we were at another baby shower for our daughters’ cousins, and I enjoy documenting a little of this for posterity. This is the third boy joining the next generation in as many years. The house was packed with extended family, many of whom I’d never met before. Our nieces and nephews are proving to be excellent parents, and I have every reason to believe the next pair on deck will be just as good. They have access to so much more information than we did, and child rearing theory has advanced and evolved significantly since we were reading the What to Expect books and crossing our fingers. There’s still a month to go, and we are all very excited to meet the third great-nephew.

We stopped for a few items at Costco on the way home, and just the two short trips across the parking lot in the cold wind that had picked up while we were at the party drained the life out of me. Mr S-P retired for the night just after 8, and my goal is to have all my pills taken and lights out by 9. What party animals we are now. An afternoon with family, and asleep before SNL even starts. See, this is why parenting is best done by young people. There’s no way I could start over from the beginning now. I don’t have those energy reserves anymore.

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