Sunday, February 24, 2019

Set Aside

Inspirational song: Shallow (Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper)

For the most part, the Oscars were okay. There were fewer awkward moments. Not none, but fewer. Most of the wins seemed uncontroversial to me. Most, not all. The clothes were more beautiful, and by that, I mean some of the men were far less constrained to wearing only black and white tuxes. That was truly wonderful to me. I declined to watch the red carpet pre-show, so apparently I missed out on some of the more spectacular outfits for the men, but at least two of the presenters came out in mauve and magenta tuxes (one each). I kind of love it that there is more room for creativity.

I've been contemplating getting back into clothing design more seriously lately, and I've talked about it a little bit. It probably wasn't wise to watch the ultimate fashion show (or so I've always considered it) while I was still so tired though. Rather than being inspired, I had to fight the impulse to give up. I always loved imagining myself accepting an Oscar for costume design, but tonight I just looked at the pretty colors and let them go by. I ain't got energy for that now.

I say this often, but this brings it home that I really have too many projects on hold right now. I have a large blanket I'm making for my neighbor that was supposed to be done two months ago. I have a giant crochet shrug that I started last fall that I keep setting aside. I have a sock on a loom that is going well enough for a first-ever try, but I haven't worked a stitch on it this calendar month. I started an actual knitting-needles project over and over and over (seriously, I pulled it apart and knitted the same inch and a half no fewer than twelve times -- TWELVE!), and I forced myself not to mess with it until I've finished a couple of the other things. And then I have my entire craft room half-sorted into plastic shoe-boxes and spread out everywhere. I keep fighting the impulse to paint things (like a new D&D character I have planned for the next 5th edition campaign we will be starting soon) or carve or build or something else new. So looking at it this way, it's a good thing the Oscars didn't send me running for my fabric drawer to see what I could start. Let someone with a studio and staff do that sort of thing now. I'll watch from here.

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