Sunday, February 3, 2019

Kick That Ball

Inspirational song: I'm Tired (Blazing Saddles)

This is hardly a unique opinion, but man, was that a crappy Superbowl. It didn't help that I couldn't give a flying fig about either team, other than desperately wanting one of them to lose, even though I had no affection for the other. After a while, the most fun we had at our game-watching party was when one guest who I'd never met before chanted "Kick that ball!!" at every fourth down. So many punts, so little offense. Yawn. Even the ads were only mildly entertaining. Maybe they came across better if you were comfortable with AI running every second of your life. (Me, I have no interest in a voice-activated listening device controlling my lights, unlocking my doors, starting my car, etc. Maybe I just never recovered from that Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episode with Pierce Brosnan.) I'm pretty sure that those of us who stayed through the whole game (2 left early) had picked up our phones and stopped watching the game entirely by the fourth quarter. The shade thrown by Twitter was much more interesting to me. This is how I am sure we weren't the only ones who were bored by the lowest scoring Superbowl of all time.

We started the afternoon with a short D&D encounter, with three of our players missing. We ate way too much early in the day, and something I touched was contaminated with gluten. (Could have been anything from the outside of the barbecue sauce bottle to a crumb in the silverware drawer. I'll never know. I asked everyone who brought food what they provided, and couldn't find a culprit.) My stomach swelled up and hurt so badly that I couldn't even attempt a tiny bowl of the green chile I brought. More's the pity. After the game, we finally showed Blazing Saddles to three of our friends who had never seen it. Once they got over being astonished that it was ever made, they laughed openly and often. Now those young'uns understand some more of our pop culture references.

We tried having all the dogs play together in the back yard. There were five at one point, but the impromptu dog park didn't last long. Elsa doesn't want to play with a bunch of juveniles. Murray flipped over in the excitement. They went home early to have dinner and retire to their beds. Hops and Barley have learned to be good hosts, and they are getting comfortable with a standard poodle named Jasper who comes over a lot. Jasper is the most chill dog I've ever met. And he's a jokester who likes to steal seats and walk across laps. He will most likely appear in future posts, so get to know this face. It's a cute one.

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