Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Little Snow

Inspirational song: Visions in Blue (Ultravox)

I've been waiting years for a good snowpocalypse. When does that finally arrive? I think the biggest snow we've had since we moved back was about eight inches deep, maybe. I had hopes for a decent snow event when I saw the pictures coming out of California a couple of days ago. They said it was going to suck up moisture from the southwest on its way up, and dump on our mountains. I didn't want the meteorologists to be right when they said it was only going to be a few inches here. After all, it was supposed to snow all day long, and be brutally cold. I'll be darned if they weren't right on all counts. I went out to shovel at about two thirty this afternoon, and the snow wasn't deep enough to get into the tops of my shoes. It was fluffy and light, and the shoveling was easy enough. I made it through the sidewalk, and nearly finished the driveway, before I became acutely aware of how insufficient were my gloves. My fingers were ugly and deformed by the time I came in, red and lumpy in weird ways, and I couldn't bend them. (They're fine now.)

Friends who actually went out and were productive today said the roads were awful. I expected to go to Boulder tonight, but we called off our weekly game for weather. I'll be testing the roads tomorrow, and with zero chance of snow melt by the time I'm on the highway, I'll know whether it was dumb of me not to swap out for my snow tires this year. I suspect I'll be late to the meeting, unless the plows are really busy overnight.

There are only minimal chances for snow for the next two weeks. The predictions keep going up and down. Currently, they're only giving us 10% chance of moisture for most of the next week. There is still time in the snowy season to get my snowpocalypse, but the clock is counting down. Is there a special dance I can do for the snow gods to favor me with knee-deep snow, just once this year? I've waited so long.

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