Monday, June 24, 2019

Beanie Baby

Inspirational song: I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair (South Pacific)

The Baldening has begun in earnest. I noticed the first hairs falling out easily back on Friday. Sunday I started getting a little self-conscious about leaving pieces of myself everywhere I go. Today the process is accelerating undeniably. Ready or not, here comes my scalp.

I hadn't washed my hair since Thursday (which isn't that bad--I haven't been the oily type since I was a teenager). I kind of knew it would be traumatic, once I finally did, but I think I handled it okay. Lots of deep breathing, and saying, "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay." I don't know that it qualifies as coming out in clumps yet, per se, but it's well beyond normal daily loss. Once my shower was over, and I was pulling the mass of hair away from the drain, I decided that if I had felted it and stuffed it with catnip, it would have made a sizable artisanal mousie toy. There's an Etsy store in the making in all this.

It kind of hurts a little, which I didn't expect. My scalp feels like I wore a heavy pony tail for far too long. It's tender. I will find out soon whether that will outlive my hair, or will it end once the scalp is bare.

For the first time since the infusion, I was willing to drive myself somewhere. I went down to Marshall's and Ross, looking for a knit beanie. The only one I could find, at Ross, was a very autumn-looking maroon, and made of acrylic. I need to wear it tomorrow to contain my hair, because how many Rotarians will want my hair to fall into their lunch, really? But afterward, I'll have to drive down to REI, and see whether I can get a true hipster beanie in a summer-weight cotton. I'll need to have a few to rotate through over the summer, to match my outfits. I don't think anyone will mistake me for a hipster, no matter how cool my beanies are.

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