Friday, June 14, 2019

This Is My Life Now

Inspirational Song: That Time of the Night (Marillion)

The word of the day is not for the weak. Or rather, in this particular case, it is what is making me weak. Today’s key word is “peristalsis.” My carefully cultivated microbiome is a thing of the past. I have been in bed pretty much straight through since Wednesday night, other than the dozens (++) of trips to the bathroom and a couple short showers. I tried once to walk to the back door, to see how the Mr had re-done the garden pond, and I got as far as pressing my forehead to the glass. I didn’t see him, and I turned and went back to bed. Later he sent me a picture. It was the best I could do to see it.

My temperature bounced in the 99s and low 100s. Not enough to go in to the ER. Just enough to feel awful. I slept through the phone call from the nurse who followed up on me, and I didn’t call back, because I didn’t see the voicemail until after hours. I’ve improved to the point where I was willing to consume beverages that had calories (just not very much). I’m still one with the bed, so I don’t know how much of an improvement it is.

I’d like to believe this is just a phase. Once all of my intestinal bacteria are dead and gone, they aren’t going to re-establish and make me go through this again, right? I can only hope. And I wonder how much of the headache is from not drinking coffee. I had cut my caffeine intake, but not eliminated it. I am considering not drinking coffee again until this is over, like in August over.

This can't go on forever. I know that much. I have an appointment to have my blood checked on Monday. That's the farthest I can go without resolving this, one way or another.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you're having those issues. Looks like diarrhea can be fairly common. Advice from Dana-Fraber Cancer Institue is to take Immodium to help control it, and try your version of a BRAT diet. See link:
