Friday, June 7, 2019

Distract Me

Inspirational song: Honky Cat (Elton John)

Back in the active duty days, when the kids were little and my diet was a little erratic, I used to have a sneaky habit. The Mister would go TDY (temporary duty, or on a business trip for you non-military types), and one of the earliest outings would be to sneak off and buy the junk food he tried to keep out of the house, like Pop-Tarts or sugary cereal. I didn't eat like that all the time, and I didn't go overboard, but that first bite of forbidden brown sugar cinnamon Pop-Tart was so intoxicating. Well, this weekend, he's off on a boys' trip, doing a 4-wheel drive rally with his old high school friend. Sort of like the old days, I went to King Soopers to get things for me to eat solo, and some stuff for next week (on the advice of the oncology nurse). I went back to get lemons at the end of my circuit of the grocery store, and looked back in my cart with the above memory flashing across my mind. No Pop-Tarts. No Cap'n Crunch. The junkiest things in there were 100% juice grape popcicles (nurse's suggestion for post-chemo) and gluten-free/vegan frozen mac and cheese. Being a grown up is so boring.

I'm going to do as much playing this weekend as I can. I need to do things that will distract me. To that end, my daughter and I went out for a late lunch to the only restaurant where I can get fried chicken that's safe for me, and to see Rocketman. The food was terrific, and the movie exceeded all my expectations. I didn't expect it to be an old-fashioned musical, with reality-free fantasy sequences, where all characters in a scene were singing different parts of the songs. I absolutely loved it. And at the very end, when they were showing credits and the costume designer came on, I pointed at the screen and said, "That's an Oscar winner, right there."

I need to think of things to do that are fun and slightly irresponsible to do this weekend. I mean, I could just eat junk food and play computer games, but that might be the extent of my activities for the next couple weeks, so I'd rather do stuff that I won't be doing so much I'll be sick of it by the end of the month. I'm really glad the chance to participate in this rally fell in Mr S-P's lap last minute, and hopefully I'll be able to write about it Saturday or Sunday night, depending on how much he writes about it and how many pictures he sends. He needs to have fun too, before taking care of me becomes exceptionally onerous. It would probably be best if I were out of the house some. I will be stuck here for the next three months, reluctant to go just about anywhere. I need a last fling with fun.

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