Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Off a Cliff

Inspirational song: Float On (Modest Mouse)

And there we have it: the first of many barfs for the next three months. And it was going so well, too...

I did pretty well over the course of the day. I cleaned the kitchen, sprayed bleach cleaner all over my bathroom (waiting until after the replacement Neulasta injected before showering, so I could properly wash my hair for the first time in a few days), and I made a double batch of banana bread with a bunch of bananas that went speckly way faster than I expected. I felt good, but I sat down often. I didn't eat until mid-afternoon, when the bread was done. I tried to lie down and nap, but I kept getting phone calls, including from the chemo nurse who went through her check list to see how I was. She encouraged me to eat something with protein, so I gave up on nap and tried to make a little bean and cheese burrito with a gluten-free spinach and kale tortilla I had made a few days ago (that honestly did not turn out well). I kept getting more and more fatigued, and a few times I felt just weird. I felt kind of floaty while I tried to nap, and I felt like bits of my body were periodically getting squeezed from the inside, like my jaw, the breast that was cut off, and my belly.

Then the gang came here for D&D night. I didn't try to sit at the table. I had them spin my great-grandmother's rocker around to face the table, and move my ottoman to put my stuff on. For the first time all day, I was ravenous, and I went through a bowl of chips and salsa. I watched my daughters drink some wine, and I thought, "They said if I want some, try it." So I got a small glass. After less than two ounces of it, I started to feel awful. The pressure in my head increased, and they said I went vivid red. My head throbbed. I ran to the bathroom, and assumed the normal, daily position. I then started evaluating my surroundings. I was very pleased to learn that the insert to my trash can was sealed, not vented on the bottom like I feared. Everything, and I mean everything, I consumed has now left me. I had just enough stamina to clean up after myself, so the kids didn't have to. I then asked my daughter to help me remake the bed after washing sheets this morning, and I climbed in. They allowed me to continue to play the game from bed, and my mighty half-orc barbarian brought the pain to the horde of skeletons we fought. They just had to wake me up when my turn came around to swing.

I stayed in bed from about 8:30 on. I had to have two additional blankets thrown on top of me, and yes, I did check my temperature (a very normal 97.3). I can report to my mother than the smiley face bell she bought for my bedside was a success, and it brought my younger daughter in to add the fuzzy blanket when I needed it. After everyone left, and I had another wave of nausea, the Mr encouraged me to take a few drops of the tincture that should alleviate some of it. Fingers crossed that it keeps me asleep all night. I didn't take much.

I banked a couple of photos for nights like this. I get the feeling I should have saved more. Here is a pastoral scene with digging and irrigation equipment.

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