Wednesday, June 26, 2019

More Than Half Gone

Inspirational song: I Feel Pretty (West Side Story)

I go to so many doctors, so often, that I am capable of forgetting why an appointment exists. I really had no idea why my new primary care doc wanted me to come back today. I went. I wasn't staying home. But I had no clue what we were supposed to discuss. She wanted me to follow up with her after my records arrived (and a few but not all have now). She asked my history of lupus, and what I've done for certain issues, and why I'm still taking some of the drugs I am. She has given me hope for the first time in ages that I might be able to drop one of the prescriptions I really dislike above and beyond all the others. I established with her why I see certain specialists, and she's totally good with renewing my referrals so they're up and ready to go. She said we ought to do a full physical after chemo and radiation are over, later in the fall.

I dragged my daughter along to the appointment, so that afterwards I could take her to our favorite pho restaurant for a late birthday lunch. Two times in one week I got to go there. What a special treat! It's worth navigating an intentionally stupid parking lot to get to it. (Boulder tries to frustrate drivers on purpose, to nag people into walking or biking instead. They succeed in frustrating us, and me, I just find it ableist and infuriating.) On the way there, we stopped by REI, so I could search for beanies out of the proper summer fabrics. I should have just shopped online days ago, when I first googled it. There was a purple beanie advertised as being on clearance on REI's website, for like 6 bucks. There were none on sale, none out of lightweight cotton, anywhere I looked at the store. I ended up with a gray beanie and a tutti-frutti colors convertible neck/head wrap, and I spent a crapton of money on the two. At least they are advertised as cooling fabrics, partly recycled bottles, and 50 SPF on each. I wore the tutti-frutti one after lunch. With such little hair underneath it, my head looked tiny against my still big body, with a tight head wrap on.

I have passed the halfway point. I am almost entirely certain half my hair is gone, probably more. I see a lot of skin at the temples now. I see a lot of skin all over the scalp, really. I took a picture mid-afternoon of where my hair was, and I'm pretty sure it's significantly advanced since I did that. Throughout game night, I fidgeted, moving the beanie around. I think I knocked a lot more loose. I expected to wait until Saturday or Sunday to shave my head. I will be surprised if I make it all the way to Friday mid-day.

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