Sunday, June 9, 2019

Big Box of Bad Decisions

Inspirational song: That's All (Genesis)

It's a race, between the blog and Benadryl. Who will win? No, I'm not just taking it so that I sleep tonight, although I'm getting just nervous enough that it might be an okay thing to do. Rather, the port has started to itch something fierce, and starting yesterday, I've been getting bumps all around it, not the three that mark where the needle goes in. I don't know what's irritating my skin so much, but on the way home from dinner we stopped at King Soopers and I bought some children's liquid diphenhydramine. I got the liquid so I could control the dose and not take so much that I sleep late tomorrow, but man, does that taste way worse than just taking a pill.

It was a strange weekend, one I can digest in the fullness of time, over the coming weeks when I'm studying my ceiling. I got lots of videos sent home from Team Killer Rabbits in the Gambler 500 rally. I was definitely not up to attending with everything going on, but it looked like a whole lot of fun. I'd consider joining next year. Mr S-P was invited to join last minute, when one of the team members dropped out, and two of his old high school friends needed someone with skills. Boy, did he come in handy. They had a Pinzgauer all-terrain vehicle, and it did fine until late Saturday night when some yahoo who had had too much to drink decided they needed to have some sort of competition. The Pinzgauer broke an axle, and they nearly had to drop out. Instead, Mr S-P decorated his Toyota 4Runner (permanently!!) and a new Killer Rabbit vehicle joined the race. The guys came home with tales of bravery and valor (and more than a little stupidity), excited about what next year's vehicle should be. When we met up with a third member of their high school group, who had also flown into town this week, this other friend said he was very disappointed with them for failing to recognize that they car they must find is a 1976 Olds Regency 98, like the one they had in high school. (Apparently an exchange student bought it, and left it with them, so it was sort of group-owned. At least, that's how they make it sound.) I'm just afraid that if it does turn up as the next project car, it will be kept at my house...

I think I'm pretty much ready for tomorrow. I had plenty of distraction and rest, and it's now time for the main event. We went to a movie and a play (regarding the origins of our local theater troupe, born as the hospital auxiliary group who performed plays as fundraisers for the new hospital building in the late 1950s). I've gone out to eat three times, and stored up simple, stomach-calming soups and frozen meals for the bad times. I have cleaned as much as I'm going to clean. I called Tricare and verified that my understanding of my benefits was correct. I packed a bag with snacks. I'm charging the backup battery for my electronic devices. I'm ready. Let's do this thing.

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