Thursday, March 12, 2020

Cancel Culture

Inspirational song: Show Me the Way to Go Home (Irving King)

Guys, I'm already tired of it. Things have only begun to shut down, in the last 36 hours or so. It's already mentally exhausting. I still don't know whether my two doctor appointments and massage will still happen next week, but my money is on at least one of them being canceled. I mean, the doctors are pulmonology and ENT. These are probably going to be slammed. I'll be amazed if these go off. Rotary is canceled for the rest of the month, and the Mr has to rework his classes to be taught online.

I went to the physical therapy clinic at the hospital this morning, and went ahead and made another appointment for next week also, but this is not a specialty that will be particularly vulnerable in this pandemic, so there is a chance it will still happen. After my session was over, I sat in the coffee shop that is adjacent to ER, while I waited for my daughter to join me for a beverage. In those few minutes, I saw two old men come in to the ER in wheelchairs, and one woman get checked in while standing. I am not nosy enough to violate HIPAA rules to find out what they all have, but I choose to assume at least one of them is having symptoms of the Rona. There were more than 30 cases in Colorado as of this morning (more now), but none official in my county. I don't know whether anyone here qualified for a test, nor whether they would be able to obtain one.

Almost all of the D&D group came to the house tonight. So far about half are working from home now and more are expecting to. I would like to keep meeting with our small group, but it does make me nervous. But these games are getting so stinking good. The campaign Mr S-P wrote is amazing. I want to keep doing it. The kids get assigned details to draw, either of our foes or our scenery. Tonight we revealed a drawing that the man had one of their old high school friends draw. This is very entertaining, seeing how each artist interprets the things that come out of his imagination. I don't want the Rona to keep us from meeting, but if we have to do this remotely, we will.

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