Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Sad Puppy

Inspirational song: Spinning Wheel (Blood, Sweat and Tears)

There is one unhappy pup at Smith Park today. We don’t know why he is so miserable, but he is obviously off his game. When the Mr left for school this morning, he warned me that Murray was feeling poorly, and he stayed inside on his bed rather than being his usual bouncy self. Whenever I went out to check on him, he barely picked his head up off his paws, and had stayed in the same position where he had been left early in the morning, with his blankie tucked around him. He seemed to be holding his breath when I tried to gently pet him on his head and shoulders. His papa came home for lunch and took him to the vet while I was off at Rotary. When I got home, he was back in the exact same spot, once again wrapped in his blanket. I waited and waited for word from the Man what had happened at the vet. Eventually I took Elsa outside for dinner, and gave Murray his dinner right next to his bed. (I am not capable of putting him in his wheelchair, so even though he looked longingly at the wheels before sighing and positioning himself awkwardly to eat, there wasn’t much I could do to help him. And not knowing what was making him tender around the middle, I wasn’t about to try and risk hurting him.)

The Mr came home late. All of his classes are Tuesday-Thursday this semester, and he had an extra seminar of some sort (which I think he merely attended, not taught). I finally got the report from the vet that they think Murray just strained a muscle in his middle somewhere, and has a little saddlesore rash. We were given antibiotics and pain killers, and I guess he just needs to take it easy and wait to heal. That poor pup has really been through it for the last year. His tail-stub has healed well, but I still shudder to think about how long his body knew that tail was broken, even if his brain didn’t get the memo. There must have been considerable inflammation. And then to lose his tail completely. I know how the body reacts to losing pieces here and there.

So think happy thoughts for Murray. He needs a little extra attention right now. If we are lucky, this will be a short dip and he will be back to bouncing along with his wheels by the end of the week.

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